Enzafruit and New Zealand

On the other side of the world, in the most Southern part of Oceania, New Zealand is situated. The two big and rough islands between the Pacific and the Tasmanian Sea call up adventurous images of rough mountains and exotic beaches.

New Zealand captured the heart of both nature lovers and fruit experts. Since 1948, our company exports quality apples and pears to the farthest corners of the world; since 1991 under the name of “Enza™”. From spring, throughout the whole summer, the fruit is being sold - tasty and fresh - offering consumers the unique flavour of New Zealand.

Jazz blossom

On the other side of the world,

in the most Southern part of Oceania, New Zealand is situated. The two big and rough islands between the Pacific and the Tasmanian Sea call up adventurous images of rough mountains and exotic beaches.

New Zealand captured the heart of both nature lovers and fruit experts. Since 1948, our company exports quality apples and pears to the farthest corners of the world; since 1991 under the name of “Enza™”. From spring, throughout the whole summer, the fruit is being sold - tasty and fresh - offering consumers the unique flavour of New Zealand.


How does New Zealand supply freshly picked apples in springtime in Europe?


New Zealand is 20.000 km away from here, on the other side of the world. This explains why the seasons here and over there differ so much. When we are enjoying the summer sun, the "Kiwi's" - as the New Zealanders would like to call themselves - are hibernating. And when it's wintry over here, our antipodes are already picking the fruit. Mid March, Enzafruit starts to export the earliest apple varieties into overseas markets, spread all over the world.


Why are Enzafruit New Zealand apples and pears of such an exceptional quality?


Worldwide New Zealand is known as the "orchard of the Pacific". The production and export of fruit occupies an important place from way back. Of course, this is not a coincidence. New Zealand really holds all the trumps to produce top-quality fruit. It is perfectly situated: the sea protects the islands, the population is hardly growing and the industry is limited. That's why the nature is still unspoilt and why the air and the water are unstained - an important point of departure for healthy fruit. Thanks to a lot of sun, it is possible to harvest regularly and richly, a great deal of light has a big and favourable influence on the ripening and colouring of the fruit. Temperatures rarely go under the freezing point. Consequently, the fruit blooms and grows in optimal conditions. Thanks to the difference in climate and precipitation between the Northern and Southern island, it is possible to grow several fruit varieties.

  • new zealand_orchard